
Oct 1997 to Sept 1999
Marine navigation and Radar for Naval, and large commercial ocean-going vessels.

Electronics packaging for ‘large vessel’ marine radar units using Pro-Engineer R21 3D CAD.
Detail design, BoMs, manufacturing drawings and GAs for 100’s of units a year production levels
Radar boom and electronics box
Radar display on ship's bridge. (Its electronics enclosure is beneath the desk.)
Worked with:
1 – Heat sinks / heat dissipation, and Wave guides.
2 – Injection moulded parts, Casting and Machining drawings, and BoMs.
3 – Rotating booms up to 2m long, and ship’s bridge display screen electronics enclosures.
4 – Configuration control by Revision levels, not Form -Fit-Function.
5 – Design, detail + assembly drawings, and BoMs created.
Radar boom electronics box - a machined casting
Waveguide interface detail drawing
Designed radar wave-guides, brackets, fabrications, and injection moulded plastic parts.
Design philosophy for  a “revision level” drawing environment, and  “in situ” maintenance where possible.
Offered permanent employment.
Assembly drawing of a screen display electronics enclosure (Sht 1)
Assembly drawing of a screen display electronics enclosure (Sht 2)
Assembly drawing of a screen display electronics enclosure (Sht 3)
Injection moulding - part of a display screen cowl
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